The vast majority of methane emissions are from hundreds of thousands of unmetered sources in the field, which poses a significant data management challenge.
With the recent announcements from both the provincial and federal governments for targeting significant methane reductions from the oil and gas industry, increased scrutiny will be placed upon the accuracy of current methane inventories. Companies will be required to set up more robust systems to enable the collection and management of unmetered FFV data in a transparent and auditable manner.
Currently, many companies try to collect this unmetered FFV data using spreadsheets, because they are unaware of any other systemized solution available to them. Unfortunately, the use of spreadsheets will not provide a sufficiently robust solution to manage and maintain this data in the future for a number of reasons:
Envirosoft’s Fuel Flare Vent Manager provides a unique, fit-for-purpose solution to the oil and gas industry for providing a systemized option to overcoming these challenges. Please contact us today to find out more!